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Templating of all html output.


I came up with the idea to make items like the privacy and about pages editable (make them articles) and I have now come up with the idea of making ALL html output as templates.

My idea is to store them with relative skins in subfolders, so the html for viewing an article would be in skin/articles/view.php.

Idea is that if you want to add a feedburner link next to netvibes or newsgator link, or change the way "Permalink · comment · Discuss · Trackback" links look this can be done by editing the skin files, rather than the source. The php code will not have to be touched, which will maintain upgradability.

One consideration is maintaining compatibility with configuration options that affect how content is displayed in sections (eg blog or wiki format). Maybe we could have the ability to create our own custom ones ?

Bernard has suggested utilising the overlay infrastructure, what does everyone else think ?