English Yacs handbook Software installation and upgrade

How to Upgrade to 7.10

Version 7.10 is a fantastic version! To take full advantage of all its potential, and exceptionally for this version, you will have some additional operations to perform at the end of the update procedure.

There are many new features and improvements in the 7.10 version, and this time, some impose a few additionnal steps. Here is the (short) list:

The main "visible" novelty in this version is the arrival of ajax. Additional scripts provide the benefits of this innovation, at a price of two modifications to perform in the template and the style sheet of your skin.

Another new visible feature is the introduction of the "global pages", which include the main menu, cover article, privacy statement and "about" page, which you can now edit at will.

Another, less "visible", improvement is the total support for UTF-8. This is a major step forward, but it requires you to take an extra precautionnary step or two before starting the update.

At last, rights management cascade is now complete. This means that if you put a restriction on a section, its subsections and articles will be set by default with the same parameters. Normally, during the update, Yacs takes care of the rights management cascade and you should not have anything special to do.

[title]Initial safeguards[/title] * As with any update, it is advisable to first back up your database. * Because there will be operations to perform on the files of your skin, you could switch to one of the reference skins after shutting down your server, just before performing update. Take anyone you want, this is only a temporary measure. * Finally, and this is important, if your login nickname includes an accent or other special character, change it before starting the update to eliminate any such character (for example, Agnès becomes Agnes for the duration of the upgrade process).

[title]Proceed normally with the update[/title] You can proceed with the update using the method that suits you best: incremental update, tgz archive in the inbox / yacs directory (to be created if it does not exist), or manual uploading of the files in the scripts / staging directory (to be created if it does not exist).

Carefully watch the messages issued by Yacs during the update process: * If you encounter anomalies in the process (especially missing files), you should upload again the (decompressed) 7.10 files and folders in the scripts / staging directory - this is done by FTP and takes a little longer - and then restart the update by choosing the last option for updates in the Control Panel. * [flag]Beware![/flag] If you upgrade from a version earlier than 7.3, you will have an extra step to perform during the update. See this documentation detailing the procedure.

At the end of the update, with a reference skin, you should have tabs in the control panel (as well as in member profiles): a sure sign that ajax is well integrated and everything is fine in the best of worlds.

If you stayed with your own derived skin, you will find a control panel somewhat disrupted, with non-clickable links at the top (don't worry, everything is still there, you haven't lost anything), and folding options that do not unfold. Nothing to worry at this point : we are still puting things in order, not creating new articles.

This mess is somewhat normal at this stage. What we have to do is point your skin to the new YACS library, and corresponding CSS. Let's do it - it will not take long, I promise.

[title]Update your own skin[/title] You have to perform two modifications on your skin, one in the template, and one in the CSS.

[subtitle]Modify the template[/subtitle] Open the file template.php in your skin to change it, and insert the following code as follows:

// end of the footer panel
echo ''."\\n";

//Place your cursor here and add the following lines:

    // insert the footer
echo $context['page_footer'];

// nice titles
echo "\\t".''."\\n";

//This is it. You have everything you need. (However, you might have additional lines hereunder, depending on your template).

    // end of page
echo ''."\\n"

The nice title code is actually part of the statement that you certainly have at the beginning of your template: there is a part CSS and a part Javascript. The Javascript part is the one that is moved at the end of page. The CSS part remains in its place.
The new line added, just above nice title, is essential to the smooth running of all this, do not forget it. These two declarations are **to be inserted immediately after the call to the footer panel**.

[subtitle]Modify the CSS[/subtitle] We now have to take into account the new style rules implemented in 7.10. To do this, you must edit the file .css of your skin and insert the following lines at the very beginning of the file:

/ * Import core YACS reference style sheet -- this has to come before any other rule
* /
@ Import url ("../_ reference / yacs.css ");

This has the effect of calling, before anything else is processed in your stylesheet, new CSS rules for several purposes: autocompletion areas, nice title links, tabs in the control panel and member profiles, display of interactive chats and management of the presence of users (see skins / _reference / yacs.css).

[subtitle]Clear caches and enjoy your updated skin[/subtitle] Once the changes are made, reload the two scripts by FTP, change the choice of skin if you had previously switched to a reference skin, remember to empty the caches (browser and yacs) and ... Enjoy!

[title]Global pages[/title] Another novelty of 7.10 is the introduction of "global pages" designed to accommodate 4 pages at the moment: * Main menu * Cover Article * Privacy Statement and * "About" page.

To create and populate this new section, simply go to the control panel, tab "Content", then "**Content Assistant**." Choose the last option: //Create basic records -- in case you would need to replay some steps of the setup process//. This is precisely what we need to do: by recreating the basic records, Yacs creates the "global pages" section, the Privacy Statement page and the "About" page.

Simply move your menu and your cover article in this new section, taking care to perform the following : * for the cover article, add the nickname "cover" in the advanced options of the page * for the main menu, add the nickname "menu" in the advanced options of the page.

You can delete corresponding hidden sections on the site map, they are no longer required.

You can edit the Privacy Statement and the "About" page at your convenience.

During the re-creation of basic records, Yacs may have created sections of examples you do not want: just delete them, browsing the site map to locate them.
Incidentally, you can take advantage of this opportunity to test new features of Yacs, such as interactive collaboration, here.

[title]Last round[/title] If your migration went well up to now, you should have proper rights management cascade. To test it, create a test article in a section reserved for members and publishers for example, without changing the default options. It should by default have the same restrictions as the parent section. If you have problems with already created subsections or articles, just edit the relevant page (section or article) and then re-save it - without changing anything - to force the implementation of the cascade.

With regards to support for UTF-8, there's not much to do either.

The principle: Yacs already supported UTF-8, but transcoded everything before saving it in the database, which was not using the same format. Now everything is coded in UTF-8, even in the database. However, Yacs will not alter existing records in the database. That's why you might have had to change your ID before the update, to make sure Yacs would correctly interpret your ID later. You can now revert to your previous nickname, spelled as you like it!
If you have members who also use accents and other special characters in their nickname, simply edit the profile - as if to modify it - without changing anything. It will thus be re-entered with the correct encoding.

You can also do the same with articles / sections / categories ... But it is less "urgent" that the member profiles: Yacs should still be able to read your pages. On occasion, re-save them to switch to UTF-8. You will notice quickly those who need to be corrected: in the links or the index, the accents and other special characters will not be displayed and you will see a code in its place.

[title]Finished?[/title] Well, no! This is the beginning ... A beautiful adventure renewed with Yacs!