English Yacs handbook Content management

How to manage options for sections?

The options field is a convenient place to save attributes for any section without extending the database schema.

You can combine any of following keywords in the field for options, with the separator (spaces, tabs, commas) of your choice:

[*] auto_publish - Every post is automatically published, without control from an associate.

[*] articles_by_title - Order pages by alphabetical order instead of using edition time information.

[*] files_by_title - Order files by alphabetical order instead of using edition time information. To be used jointly with 'with_files', to activate the posting of files.

[*] links_by_title - Rank links by alphabetical order instead of using edition time information. To be used jointly with 'with_links', to activate the posting of links.

[*] locked - To avoid new posts to a section, add the word 'locked' to the option field. This feature only concerns regular members of the community, as associates are always allowed to add, change of remove any page. Note that closed sections do not appear in w.bloggar lists, even to authenticated associates.

[*] skin_<xxxx> - Select one skin explicitly. Use this option to apply a specific skin to a section. Articles anchored to this section will use the same skin.

[*] variant_<xxxx> - Select one skin variant explicitly. Usually only the variant 'sections' is used throughout sections. This can be changed to 'xxxx' by using the option variant_<xxxx>. Then the underlying skin may adapt to this code by looking at $context['skin_variant']. Basically, use variants to change the rendering of individual articles of your site, if the skin allows it.

[*] with_comments - This section can be commented. By default YACS does not allow comments in sections. However, in some situations you may ned to capture surfers feed-back directly at some particular section. Set the option with_comments to activate the commenting system. Please note that threads based on sections differ from threads based on articles. For example, they are not listed at the home page.

[*] with_files - Files can be attached to this section. By default within YACS libraries of files are supposed to be based on articles and attached files. But you may have to create a special set of files out of a section. If this is the case, add the option with_files manually and upload shared files.

[*] with_links - Links can be posted to this section. By default within YACS list of bookmarks are supposed to be based on articles and attached links. But you may have to create a special set of bookmarks out of a section. If this is the case, add the option with_links manually and add shared links.