English Yacs handbook Content management

How to order sections?

Usually sections are ranked by edition date, with the most recent section coming first. You can change this 'natural' order by modifying the value of the rank field.

What is the result obtained, depending on the value set?

[*] 10000 - This is the default value. All sections created by YACS are ranked equally.

[*] Less than 10000 - Useful to order sections, and to make them listed at the home page. Ordered, since the lower rank values come before higher rank values. Pages that have the same rank value are ordered by dates, with the newest item coming first. Moreover, the very first sections of the list can be listed at the home page either in tabs, if the template manages this, or in the page menu, if activated at the configuration panel for skins.

[*] More than 10000 - To reject sections at the end of the site map.