English Yacs handbook Membership

How to use watch lists?

Each time you contribute to the site YACS assumes you will be interested afterwards.

If you have submitted a new page, you will probably track comments, files, and links related to it.

Similarly, if you have contributed to an existing page, it is likely you may be interested by subsequent contributions and reactions from other contributors.

Of course, you can check pages again and again for potential new additions. But this manual process is tedious and inefficient.

Since tracking is related to data handled by YACS, we have automated most of the hard work. Let the PHP force be with you!

[title]How do I access my watch list?[/title] To access your personal watch list, authenticate to the server, then click on 'My page' in the user menu.

Please note that most recent articles come first in the list. Usually, updates are visible at first glance.

[title]Which articles are put on my watch list?[/title] Actually, this is a straightforward implementation of statistical mathematics, since for YACS 'probable' is 'sure'.

Simply speaking, this means that on every new post YACS adds a new record to the poster tracking list.

Also, authenticated members can update their watch lists manually while browsing server pages:

Click on the 'Watch' command to add an article to your personal list.

And, conversely, click on the 'Forget' command to remove an article from your personal watch list.

[title]Tracking updates[/title] When a new item is added to an article, such as a comment, a file, a web reference, or an image, YACS searches watch lists and identify all interested users.

Then YACS sends a short notification message to each e-mail recipients. Obviously the whole process requires a proper configuration for mail services.

Watch lists are also displayed at user profiles. Visit any member page to list pages he is interested in.