support Archives support

[Réglé] messages d'erreur

voici le message d'accueil qui surplombe la page de couverture de mon site, chez free :

SELECT * FROM `yacs_sections` AS sections WHERE ( LIKE '2') OR (sections.nick_name LIKE '2')

2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query

SELECT FROM `yacs_sections` AS sections WHERE (sections.home_panel = 'extra') AND('Y' OR'R' OR'N') AND((sections.activation_date is NULL) OR (sections.activation_date <= '2006-05-16 13:26:42')) AND ((sections.expiry_date is NULL) OR (sections.expiry_date <= '0000-00-00 00:00:00') OR (sections.expiry_date > '2006-05-16 13:26:42')) ORDER BY sections.rank, sections.title, sections.edit_date DESC LIMIT 21
2006: MySQL server has gone away

SELECT * FROM `yacs_categories` AS categories WHERE ((categories.display='home:extra') AND (('Y' OR'R') AND ((categories.expiry_date is NULL) OR (categories.expiry_date <= '0000-00-00 00:00:00') OR (categories.expiry_date > '2006-05-16 13:26:42')))) ORDER BY categories.rank, categories.edit_date DESC, categories.title LIMIT 0,3
2006: MySQL server has gone away

j'ai demandé une optimisation au panneau de controle et voici le résultat

Le serveur a été arrété

La table 'users' a été vérifiée et analysée.

La table 'sections' a été vérifiée et analysée.

La table 'images' a été vérifiée et analysée.

La table 'tables' a été vérifiée et analysée.

La table 'files' a été vérifiée et analysée.

La table 'links' a été vérifiée et analysée.

La table 'locations' a été vérifiée et analysée.

La table 'comments' a été vérifiée et analysée.

La table 'categories' a été vérifiée et analysée.

La table 'members' a été vérifiée et analysée.

La table 'actions' a été vérifiée et analysée.

Erreur avec la table 'servers'
ALTER TABLE `yacs_servers` MODIFY id MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, MODIFY title VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, MODIFY host_name VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, MODIFY description TEXT DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, MODIFY main_url VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, MODIFY submit_feed ENUM('Y','N') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, MODIFY feed_url VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, MODIFY anchor VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT 'category:1' NOT NULL, MODIFY submit_ping ENUM('Y','N') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, MODIFY ping_url VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, MODIFY process_ping ENUM('Y','N') DEFAULT 'Y' NOT NULL, MODIFY submit_monitor ENUM('Y','N') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, MODIFY monitor_url VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, MODIFY process_monitor ENUM('Y','N') DEFAULT 'Y' NOT NULL, MODIFY submit_search ENUM('Y','N') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, MODIFY search_url VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, MODIFY process_search ENUM('Y','N') DEFAULT 'Y' NOT NULL, MODIFY stamp_date DATETIME, MODIFY active ENUM('Y','R','N') DEFAULT 'Y' NOT NULL, MODIFY edit_name VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, MODIFY edit_id MEDIUMINT DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, MODIFY edit_address VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, MODIFY edit_date DATETIME, DROP PRIMARY KEY, DROP INDEX title, DROP INDEX host_name, DROP INDEX main_url, DROP INDEX submit_monitor, DROP INDEX submit_ping, DROP INDEX submit_search, DROP INDEX active, DROP INDEX edit_name, DROP INDEX edit_id, DROP INDEX edit_date, DROP INDEX stamp_date, DROP INDEX full_text, ADD PRIMARY KEY (id), ADD INDEX title (title), ADD INDEX host_name (host_name), ADD INDEX main_url (main_url), ADD INDEX submit_monitor (submit_monitor), ADD INDEX submit_ping (submit_ping), ADD INDEX submit_search (submit_search), ADD INDEX active (active), ADD INDEX edit_name (edit_name), ADD INDEX edit_id (edit_id), ADD INDEX edit_date (edit_date), ADD INDEX stamp_date (stamp_date), ADD FULLTEXT INDEX full_text(title, description)
2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query

2006: MySQL server has gone away

2006: MySQL server has gone away

2006: MySQL server has gone away

2006: MySQL server has gone away

2006: MySQL server has gone away

2006: MySQL server has gone away

2006: MySQL server has gone away

Le serveur a été remis en route

à part ça, les contenus s'affichent, sous les messages

est-ce grave, docteur?