English Need Help

Uploaded images set to owner only


I have a new install of YACS, and have a small problem that I am sure someone will know how to correct/what I did wrong.

Everything looks nice and is, I think, working but when I post a photo, the file rights are wrong.

The file rights on the thumbnail are correct so anyone can see the image, but the full size image file rights are defaulting to owner only, meaning anyone wanting to view that image is denied access.

I can correct the rights by hand to make it work, but want to correct the problem so I can test the systems other features.

yacs 6.4
php 4.3.10
sql 4.1.9-standard


PS. I feature I would love to have (know about if it can already do it) is for different home pages for sub domains or ailas domains.

eg. localdetails.eu - master home page
baldock.localdetails.eu - Section Baldock page