English Bug tracker

Newsletter feature pack suggestion/request

Below I've listed a whish list of features for the Newsletter function which I think can be implemented pretty easily

In descending order of importance...
[*] Allow the creation of a newsletter from a (sub)section by either associate or editor. The generated newsletter should only contain the articles of the (sub)section and whatever sits below the same tree.
Obviously only these articles are then marked as already sent by newsletter so that other newsletters can be created from other sections.
[*] Allow the creation of multiple newsletter templates.
[*] Introduce a maillist feature so that we can pick a list of pre-defined e-mail recipients. The list should not be limited to subscribes, we should also be able to manually add other addresses. [*] Create a parameter that will allow a certain overlap of articles (e.g. X articles or the articles of Y day(s) before the last newsletter)
[*] Create an agent function that will allow the automatic generation and sending of newsletters.
Possibility for full automatic function or with reminder to newsletter agent owner that a new newsletter is ready and can be reviewed and sent by the system upon receiption of user approval