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Ideas and thoughts for YACS in 2007 ...

Some things I have been thinking about, might be useful to YACS, predictions of new features that are going to be asked of YACS...

Implement stemming into the search, for more acurate search results: Stemming algorithm - Wikipedia The Porter Stemming Algorithm (free and includes a php version) I know you rely fulltext search in mysql - not sure how this would work, could always index content into its own table - maybe this would woork with fulltext, if not could write own search algorithms ....

One of those link bars, that allows you to quickly link to digg, del.icio.us! etc at the bottom of each article (useful for blogs).

Update the site design ala Web 2.0 style :D - Design, Font, Color, and Logo 2.0- But seriously, I think that the site design should be regularly updated/tweaked (eg once a year/6 months) - I guess its due for a make over ?

Ecommerce cart - I bet someone will want YACS to work as a shop in the next year :D

Advert/banner management system, easy ability to drop in google ads and a banner ad rotation system - something else that I think will get requested in the next year.

Overlays - maybe develop templates for image galleries and/or blogs (as a way of adding the links bar that I suggested above).

Ajax - I've already asked about this in another post.

Update the keywords feature to be a tagging feature - so can add tags (and possibly categories) to articles as they are created.