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Sections as dirs

How can I use sections as folders "http://servername/sectionname"

If I create a section, the section url becomes something like "http://servername/sections/view.php/<section-id>"

I want to be able to use an alternate url of the form "http://servername/sectionname"

for example If I create a section on a site say http://sportsite.info for sports. If I create sections named football, cricket, etc with IDs 7,8,etc resp the urls are  http://sportsite.info/sections/view.php/7 and http://sportsite.info/sections/view.php/8

A better descriptive url would be http://sportsite.info/football and http://sportsite.info/cricket

Is it there any way to accomplish this?

(I am interested in creating a site on villages of a state, a descriptive url is much preferred)