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Better support for different / and /yacs pages

My need is to have a "site" home page at / and a "yacs" homepage at /yacs. I could use better support to make those truly distinct, e.g., for Page::top_focus()

In order to have separate tabs for / and /yacs I had to hack skins/page.php with something like
function top_focus($prefix='tab_') {

// not sure there is a focus
$output NULL;

// alter 'home' logic for site with unique page at slash
if($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '/' || $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '/index.php')
$output 'slash';
// focus on home tab
elseif($context['skin_variant'] == 'home')
$output 'home';
and the put the following in my skin template.php
Page::tabs(FALSEFALSE, array('/' => array(NULL'/'NULL'slash'), '/technotes' => array(NULL'/technotes'NULL'home')));
Also, I tweaked the site slogan in my skin to note display at /.

It seemed like a lot of effort to figure out these tweaks, could yacs support a better way?

Also, I notice that http://www.yacs.fr and http://www.yacs.fr/yacs both "activate" the YACS tab (because they're both considered "home" by top_focus), but those two have different content, kind of confusing. I didn't want that behavior.

I'm not needing a fancy subsystem here, just a little cleanup in the tabbing and skinning stuff to distinguish / and /yacs.

 Btw, I use /technotes instead of /yacs, "mv yacs technotes", if you will.
Oh yeah, the sites at www.morison.biz . See how that page is different than www.morison.biz/technotes .