English Yacs handbook Stay tuned to your server

Be informed by e-mail

Another way of staying tuned to your server is to receive messages from it. Add your e-mail address to the main configuration panel and YACS will use it to signal new article submissions and new user queries.

As depicted in the image above, we have added one valid e-mail address to catch most important events at this server.

When properly configured YACS sends messages at the logging address on following occasions: - when a new article has been submitted by a member - when a new query has been posted - when a new subscriber or member registers - when an image is added to a page - when a file is added to a page - when a link is added to a page - when a new comment is added to a page - when a new action is added to a user profile - when a new location is added to a page

Each message posted by YACS has a link to the new item that has been created. To review new things at your site, open some e-mail packages, read messages, and click!