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Link's title

Hi, I'm sorry 'cos my english is very bad.. but I would like to know if Yacs allows to set the title of links (instead of the default title "Browse in a new window") everytime it is necessary.

I've found the file skin_skeleton.php where there is this code ($local['href_title_en'] = 'Browse in a new window';) that set a default title for all links. I need to change the title always! How can I do it?

I know that it is possible when I link a word in an article (by writing the XHTML code with a title), but I can't when I have to add a link using the form "add a link".

Titles improve accessibility by giving more informations (read by screen reader) about the link.

I need this feature because I would like to create an accessible site.. Can you help me?!

Thank you
