English Need Help

Installation at FREE.FR MySql problem

All query created by yacs give error messages

Hi all

Follow the error on the page http://fabrice.lalande.free.fr...ol/populate.php :

SELECT * FROM `fabrice.lalande`.`yacs_users` AS users WHERE (users.id LIKE 'Fabrice') OR (users.nick_name LIKE 'Fabrice') OR (users.email LIKE 'Fabrice') OR (users.handle LIKE 'Fabrice') 1103: Incorrect table name 'yacs_users'

INSERT INTO `fabrice.lalande`.`yacs_users` SET email='fabrice.lalande@free.fr', active='Y', avatar_url='', aim_address='', capability='S', create_name='setup', create_id='0', create_address='', create_date='2006-02-21 15:52:28', description='', edit_name='setup', edit_id='0', edit_address='', edit_action='new', edit_date='2006-02-21 15:52:28', from_where='', full_name='', handle='8473db161176caf58abda91dc0be4d16', icq_address='', interests='', introduction='', irc_address='', jabber_address='', msn_address='', nick_name='Fabrice', options='', password='f313a616403561655ad387450070908f', pgp_key='', post_date='2006-02-21 15:52:28', posts=0, signature='', skype_address='', web_address='', with_newsletters='Y', yahoo_address='' 1103: Incorrect table name 'yacs_users'

SELECT * FROM `fabrice.lalande`.`yacs_users` AS users WHERE (users.id LIKE 'Fabrice') OR (users.nick_name LIKE 'Fabrice') OR (users.email LIKE 'Fabrice') OR (users.handle LIKE 'Fabrice') 1103: Incorrect table name 'yacs_users'

It seems to be the syntax of the query. If I change the :

SELECT * FROM `fabrice.lalande`.`yacs_users`

to :

SELECT * FROM yacs_users It works .....

I am using the latest version of yacs

Some Help