Features, features!
YACS is just aiming to raise the standard in Apache/mySQL/PHP environment for the support of web communities.
[title]General features[/title]
* Collaborative Posts - The flexible, yet simple, organization of information items in YACS let several persons - even new to the web - contribute efficiently to the success of your site. Button editors make it easy to use YACS codes and smileys
* Documentation - Like many Open Source projects, we can't say that our [section=support] is perfect. Please note that each YACS server has its own online help. Also, the extensive usage of phpDoc greatly help to clarify things. Check documentation pages extracted from scripts to dig into details.
* Open source - The source code of YACS is freely available under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). Unlike proprietary blogging or content management systems, YACS's feature set is fully available to extend or customize as needed. Extension through article overlays (see overlays/overlay.php) and through script hooks (see control/scan.php)
* Modules - YACS has been designed with extensibility in mind. Actually the GNU LGPL licensing scheme enable professional software developers to use YACS as a platform to suppport their own private pieces of code. For example, YACS extensions have been developed to track results of classic car races.
* Searching - All content in YACS is fully indexed and searchable at all times. Also, an associate can make a category out of a search research. And YACS can also derive a customized RSS feed from any search request.
* Site cloud - Every YACS server has a customizable "site cloud" which tracks other servers of interest. These server profiles can be used to declare RSS feeds to aggregate, servers to ping, etc.
[title]Content management[/title]
* A comprehensive toolbox - YACS has several tools to better adapts to your particular needs. Basically, all you need to post a page is to access the edit form using a web browser. Advanced bloggers will also benefit from the side panel edit form, from bookmarklets, from off-line blogging tools (eg, w.bloggar), or from the e-mail interface. Also, you can blog using your Palm device while on the move.
* Content Classification - Articles are ranged into sections. Any article may be linked to zero to many categories. Categories may have sub-categories.
* Photos and images - Upload any number of images into articles. Thumbnails are computed automatically on upload. Images attached to a page may be navigated as in a gallery. Large images may be automatically resized to a standard format. Single images can be uploaded unattended, and YACS will automatically create a hosting article for each image.
* Attached files - Attach any number of files to articles. Configure your site to handle downloads through FTP. The several files attached to an article may be downloaded in a single zip file. Single files can be uploaded unattended, and YACS will automatically create a hosting article for each file.
* Links - Add any number of links to any article. Extract links from posted entries. Check the validity of your database at any time. Display links as blogmark
* Comments - YACS provides a simple and efficient comment model for enabling discussion on published content.
* Newsletter - Send periodic mail messages to members of your community. YACS populates newsletter by referencing most recent articles.
* Polls - YACS now supports polls almost everywhere, in dedicated sections, at the home page, in forums or even in anu regular section. Mix polls and regular pages if you want.
* Skinning - The skin system separates content from presentation allowing you to control the look and feel of your site. YACS is provided with 10 reference skins, that have been been validated as XHTML Transitional by the w3c. Templates are created from standard CSS, XHTML and PHP coding meaning that you don't have to learn a proprietary templating language.
* Traceability - YACS has no version control feature. However, every change is tracked and YACS remember the details of the last content update for any object including who changed it, what was changed, the date and time of changes made to your content and more.
* Blogger API support - The Blogger API and metaWebloag API allow your YACS site to be updated by many different tools. This includes non-web browser based tools that provide a richer editing environment. This site is often updated through w.bloggar.
* Bookmarklets - Each section of a YACS server offers a bookmarklet to post directly in it.
* Side panel - Keep the edit form at hand while surfing.
* Content syndication - YACS provides several feeds in RDF/RSS format for others to gather. This lets anyone with a "News Aggregator" such as Rss bandit, FeedReader, NetNewsWire or Radio UserLand browse your YACS site from the comfort of their desktop. - ATOM 0.3, RSS 2.0, RSS 1.0/RDF, RSS0.92, Slashdot and CDF feeders are provided. OPML data is provided as well.
* [new] Geographical syndication - If geographical coordinates have been configured, they will be mentioned in any RSS 2.0 and RDF 1.0 feed.
* [new] Podcasting - YACS has a RSS 2.0 feed for public files, and it describes enclosures for downloads. This feed is referenced in the general OPML feed.
* RSS detection - YACS enables automatic RSS detection while browsing. Firefox 1.0 can already use this feature.
* Full content & Comment syndication - Advanced bloggers will benefit from RSS to fetch articles and comments full contents. Also, YACS implements the Comment API, letting you interact with hot topics from your preferred news reader.
* News aggregator - YACS is able to capture interesting RSS or slashdot news from peering sites, and to display them at the home page of your site.
* Permalinks - All content created in YACS has a permanent link or "permalink" associated with it so people can link to it freely without fear of broken links.
[title]Other Community features[/title]
* e-mail follow-up - YACS send mail messages to authors when new comments, images or files are added to their pages
* Inter-personal messages - YACS users can post articles or other message to any other community member, and this feature is suppported by simple web forms.
* [new] Inter-personal contact - YACS supports Skype and popular instant messaging solutions (AIM, ICQ, IRC, Jabber, MSN messenger, Yahoo Messenger). Related icons are displayed in forums, user profiles and user index.
* Discussion boards - YACS can make a discussion board out of any section. Start with one board as a general purpose forum, then add additional discussion board on traffic growth.
[title]User management[/title]
* User authentication - Users can register and authenticate locally or remotely (through
* Role based permission system - YACS users can be classified in one of following three categories: associates (i.e., what others call administrators), members (i.e. authenticated surfers) and others (i.e., still browsing anonymously). Also, content management of some sections or articles can be delegated explicitly to members
* Membership control - By default registrants are considered as true community members. However, a YACS server can also be configured as a closed group, in which registrants are flagged as subscribers. This let associates promotes only selected user profiles to the status of member.
* Avatars - Community members can use a library of images to select an avatar. Advanced surfers can also upload one icon for their personal user profile if they wish.
* Gravatars - YACS automatically checks if an e-mail address has a related gravatar.
* Web services - Articles can be posted, modified, and deleted through web services. Support of blogger API on top of XML-RPC. Validated with w.bloggar. Support of pingback and trackback API on top of XML-RPC.
* Email services - YACS can now capture multipart messages from a POP3 account and make complete pages out of them, with attached images and files if any.
* FTP services - Accept blog entries submitted by handX webLog through FTP. Handle collections of files hosted on public FTP server.
* Apache, PHP and MySQL - YACS is almost independant from operating-system capabilities, since it relies entirely on Apache, PHP and MySQl capabilities. At the moment we have YACS running on Linux, Windows 2000 and Windows 98 platforms.
* Multi-language - YACS is designed to meet the requirements of an international audience and provides a full framework to create a multi-lingual website, blog, content management system or community application. At the moment YACS fully supports French and English languages.
* Unicode - YACS encodes pages in UTF-8 where possible, and builds Unicode HTML entities to save them in a ISO-8859-1 database. Therefore, the version 3.23 of MySQL is all you need to support Unicode. YACS also send mail messages as UTF-8 text.
[title]Administration and analysis[/title]
* Web based administration - Yet Another Community System can be administered entirely using a web browser, making it possible to access it from around the world and requires no additional software to be installed on your computer.
* Software updates - YACS has a unique system to let sites download and install new scripts from some reference server.
* Logging and Reporting - All important activities and system events are captured in an event log to be reviewed by an administrator at a later time.
* RSS-based monitoring - The tail of the event log is available as a newsfeed. HTTP authentication is used to control access to this information.
* e-mail monitoring - Specific recipients can be advertised when a new item (i.e., article, comment, image or file) is added to the system
* Tracking - YACS counts every access to pages, files, links, etc.
[title]Performance and scalability[/title]
* HTTP optimizations - YACS handles
* Partial caching - YACS scripts use a partial caching mechanism to eliminate database queries, to increase performance and to reduce the server's load.
* System packaging - Any organizations can setup reference servers to package extended YACS systems (i.e., with specific skins or modules). Other intranet YACS servers will benefit directly from this integration effort.
* Friendly URL's - YACS uses a very straightforward method to generate URL's that are both user and search engine friendly. Look at the link used for this page, at the top of this window...
* Yes, it's free
* Collaborative Posts - The flexible, yet simple, organization of information items in YACS let several persons - even new to the web - contribute efficiently to the success of your site. Button editors make it easy to use YACS codes and smileys
* Documentation - Like many Open Source projects, we can't say that our [section=support] is perfect. Please note that each YACS server has its own online help. Also, the extensive usage of phpDoc greatly help to clarify things. Check documentation pages extracted from scripts to dig into details.
* Open source - The source code of YACS is freely available under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). Unlike proprietary blogging or content management systems, YACS's feature set is fully available to extend or customize as needed. Extension through article overlays (see overlays/overlay.php) and through script hooks (see control/scan.php)
* Modules - YACS has been designed with extensibility in mind. Actually the GNU LGPL licensing scheme enable professional software developers to use YACS as a platform to suppport their own private pieces of code. For example, YACS extensions have been developed to track results of classic car races.
* Searching - All content in YACS is fully indexed and searchable at all times. Also, an associate can make a category out of a search research. And YACS can also derive a customized RSS feed from any search request.
* Site cloud - Every YACS server has a customizable "site cloud" which tracks other servers of interest. These server profiles can be used to declare RSS feeds to aggregate, servers to ping, etc.
[title]Content management[/title]
* A comprehensive toolbox - YACS has several tools to better adapts to your particular needs. Basically, all you need to post a page is to access the edit form using a web browser. Advanced bloggers will also benefit from the side panel edit form, from bookmarklets, from off-line blogging tools (eg, w.bloggar), or from the e-mail interface. Also, you can blog using your Palm device while on the move.
* Content Classification - Articles are ranged into sections. Any article may be linked to zero to many categories. Categories may have sub-categories.
* Photos and images - Upload any number of images into articles. Thumbnails are computed automatically on upload. Images attached to a page may be navigated as in a gallery. Large images may be automatically resized to a standard format. Single images can be uploaded unattended, and YACS will automatically create a hosting article for each image.
* Attached files - Attach any number of files to articles. Configure your site to handle downloads through FTP. The several files attached to an article may be downloaded in a single zip file. Single files can be uploaded unattended, and YACS will automatically create a hosting article for each file.
* Links - Add any number of links to any article. Extract links from posted entries. Check the validity of your database at any time. Display links as blogmark
* Comments - YACS provides a simple and efficient comment model for enabling discussion on published content.
* Newsletter - Send periodic mail messages to members of your community. YACS populates newsletter by referencing most recent articles.
* Polls - YACS now supports polls almost everywhere, in dedicated sections, at the home page, in forums or even in anu regular section. Mix polls and regular pages if you want.
* Skinning - The skin system separates content from presentation allowing you to control the look and feel of your site. YACS is provided with 10 reference skins, that have been been validated as XHTML Transitional by the w3c. Templates are created from standard CSS, XHTML and PHP coding meaning that you don't have to learn a proprietary templating language.
* Traceability - YACS has no version control feature. However, every change is tracked and YACS remember the details of the last content update for any object including who changed it, what was changed, the date and time of changes made to your content and more.
* Blogger API support - The Blogger API and metaWebloag API allow your YACS site to be updated by many different tools. This includes non-web browser based tools that provide a richer editing environment. This site is often updated through w.bloggar.
* Bookmarklets - Each section of a YACS server offers a bookmarklet to post directly in it.
* Side panel - Keep the edit form at hand while surfing.
* Content syndication - YACS provides several feeds in RDF/RSS format for others to gather. This lets anyone with a "News Aggregator" such as Rss bandit, FeedReader, NetNewsWire or Radio UserLand browse your YACS site from the comfort of their desktop. - ATOM 0.3, RSS 2.0, RSS 1.0/RDF, RSS0.92, Slashdot and CDF feeders are provided. OPML data is provided as well.
* [new] Geographical syndication - If geographical coordinates have been configured, they will be mentioned in any RSS 2.0 and RDF 1.0 feed.
* [new] Podcasting - YACS has a RSS 2.0 feed for public files, and it describes enclosures for downloads. This feed is referenced in the general OPML feed.
* RSS detection - YACS enables automatic RSS detection while browsing. Firefox 1.0 can already use this feature.
* Full content & Comment syndication - Advanced bloggers will benefit from RSS to fetch articles and comments full contents. Also, YACS implements the Comment API, letting you interact with hot topics from your preferred news reader.
* News aggregator - YACS is able to capture interesting RSS or slashdot news from peering sites, and to display them at the home page of your site.
* Permalinks - All content created in YACS has a permanent link or "permalink" associated with it so people can link to it freely without fear of broken links.
[title]Other Community features[/title]
* e-mail follow-up - YACS send mail messages to authors when new comments, images or files are added to their pages
* Inter-personal messages - YACS users can post articles or other message to any other community member, and this feature is suppported by simple web forms.
* [new] Inter-personal contact - YACS supports Skype and popular instant messaging solutions (AIM, ICQ, IRC, Jabber, MSN messenger, Yahoo Messenger). Related icons are displayed in forums, user profiles and user index.
* Discussion boards - YACS can make a discussion board out of any section. Start with one board as a general purpose forum, then add additional discussion board on traffic growth.
[title]User management[/title]
* User authentication - Users can register and authenticate locally or remotely (through
XML-RPC calls)* Role based permission system - YACS users can be classified in one of following three categories: associates (i.e., what others call administrators), members (i.e. authenticated surfers) and others (i.e., still browsing anonymously). Also, content management of some sections or articles can be delegated explicitly to members
* Membership control - By default registrants are considered as true community members. However, a YACS server can also be configured as a closed group, in which registrants are flagged as subscribers. This let associates promotes only selected user profiles to the status of member.
* Avatars - Community members can use a library of images to select an avatar. Advanced surfers can also upload one icon for their personal user profile if they wish.
* Gravatars - YACS automatically checks if an e-mail address has a related gravatar.
* Web services - Articles can be posted, modified, and deleted through web services. Support of blogger API on top of XML-RPC. Validated with w.bloggar. Support of pingback and trackback API on top of XML-RPC.
* Email services - YACS can now capture multipart messages from a POP3 account and make complete pages out of them, with attached images and files if any.
* FTP services - Accept blog entries submitted by handX webLog through FTP. Handle collections of files hosted on public FTP server.
* Apache, PHP and MySQL - YACS is almost independant from operating-system capabilities, since it relies entirely on Apache, PHP and MySQl capabilities. At the moment we have YACS running on Linux, Windows 2000 and Windows 98 platforms.
* Multi-language - YACS is designed to meet the requirements of an international audience and provides a full framework to create a multi-lingual website, blog, content management system or community application. At the moment YACS fully supports French and English languages.
* Unicode - YACS encodes pages in UTF-8 where possible, and builds Unicode HTML entities to save them in a ISO-8859-1 database. Therefore, the version 3.23 of MySQL is all you need to support Unicode. YACS also send mail messages as UTF-8 text.
[title]Administration and analysis[/title]
* Web based administration - Yet Another Community System can be administered entirely using a web browser, making it possible to access it from around the world and requires no additional software to be installed on your computer.
* Software updates - YACS has a unique system to let sites download and install new scripts from some reference server.
* Logging and Reporting - All important activities and system events are captured in an event log to be reviewed by an administrator at a later time.
* RSS-based monitoring - The tail of the event log is available as a newsfeed. HTTP authentication is used to control access to this information.
* e-mail monitoring - Specific recipients can be advertised when a new item (i.e., article, comment, image or file) is added to the system
* Tracking - YACS counts every access to pages, files, links, etc.
[title]Performance and scalability[/title]
* HTTP optimizations - YACS handles
and Last-Modified
attributes, compresses content where possible, and adapt to user character encoding as defined by IETF's RFC.* Partial caching - YACS scripts use a partial caching mechanism to eliminate database queries, to increase performance and to reduce the server's load.
* System packaging - Any organizations can setup reference servers to package extended YACS systems (i.e., with specific skins or modules). Other intranet YACS servers will benefit directly from this integration effort.
* Friendly URL's - YACS uses a very straightforward method to generate URL's that are both user and search engine friendly. Look at the link used for this page, at the top of this window...
* Yes, it's free