Discussion forum Coffee machine


attempt translation in English


The board of Management is charged to control the development of YACS and the management of the portal. It meets once per week to make the decisions and to synchronize the work forces - when there is not an other committee which meets this week there.
Responsibilities: to return account, propose actions, to take part in the decisions, to apply them.
It is composed of associated of yacs.fr (which are full members) and is opened with editors of one.

Principal information of this committee

    * Presentation of the RC4 of Yacs Macnana
    * DEBATEs around the presentation of the final version Yacs Macnana
    * Proposal of the planning of the discussions and committees to come
    * Proposal of the establishment of a new committee directed business
    * Decision of the setting on line of a RC5
    * Modification of the development cycle of Yacs within sight of the experience gained for this first major version.

Fast presentation of the debates
Presentation of the RC4 of Yacs Macnana
Bernard presented ahead first the last additions to the RC4 (Release Candidate 4)

  • “MacNana RC4 is based on a new model of bonds for the pagination, and you must update the .htaccess after migration so that it goes”

  • “the assumption it is that we are ok on the fact of having a stable version”

some counsil to update Spécial mise à jour vers YACS 8.6 - Macnana.

DEBATEs around the presentation of the final version Yacs Macnana
Debates took place on the communication to make in connection with the exit of Yacs Macnana.
A presentation of this version will be proposed very soon on the site.
Other texts will be created for a broader communication in direction of specialized sites (press releases) Attempt at delimitation of three ideas forces which would represent the Yacs software as well as possible.

    * NickR: elegant
    * ThierryP:

Proposal of the planning of the discussions and committees to come

    * The board of management of the next week must validate the presentation of the major version (communication).
    * At the beginning of October, meeting of the committee of version to plan the orientations of the next major version. The monthly meetings of the committee of development will be able to start only once these orientations taken.

For memory, the dates are available on the Calendar of the clavardages. In addition, the proposals for a subject to be approached are in Suggestions for next the clavardages where it is possible (and advised) to vote for the proposals.

Proposal of the establishment of a new committee directed business
The goal would be to keep up to date with good walk with the businesses around yacs and to advise themselves or help.
The idea is interesting. As for the other committees created, it will be necessary to fix the rules of them.

Decision of the setting on line of a RC5
At the time of the debates, anomalies went up. In front of being fixed, it is decided of a RC5: YACS version 8.6beta (see the page of remote loading), put on line the evening even.

Modification of the development cycle of Yacs within sight of the experience gained for this first major version
It arises that the time necessary with the complete debugging of a major version is of approximately 3 months. These efforts are necessary, and include/understand the time of the tests, the corrections and again of the tests.

It is decided that for the moment, the development cycle is modified in the following way:

    * 8 months of developments with versions beta every month - one keeps this rate/rhythm there
    * 4 months to leave a major version - there will be 1 of them per annum. it is the time necessary of the tests, corrections, Re-tests, communication…

The chartre of the community is updated consequently.


Bye, bye...